Apr 2, 2009

Blog Temporarily In HIatus

Dear Readers;
Buddhist Mama is in temporary hiatus, while I focus on my main blog, Breechmama.  I look forward to seeing your comments there.  In the meantime, peace & blessings to all you Zen Mamas and Zen Papas out there. I should be back early in 2011 when more travels commence. 


Veer Singh said...

waiting for your posts...thanks.. Meditation is not contemplation. Meditation is not concentration. Meditation is a state of being. It is a state of awareness. Meditation is not about doing something; rather it is about doing nothing. So Check out more Intresting techniques and Guidene about Maditation only at [Gurumaa.com]

Doula Karma said...

My one journey as a Buddhist mama is about childbirth and buddhism. As a doula I've come to see birth is sacred. I'd be interested to find anyone else who might believe that giving birth has great spiritual potential for all women.

Unknown said...

Your post is really informative,and i like your post a lot.
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